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Do you want to have your own home-gym?

If you really want, let’s go for!

In the last post I described the situation that many of us go through often: little time, variable working schedules and any other difficulty to stick to the training plan and go regularly to the nearest gym.

Therefore, I try to at least find the time to exercise at home. This saves the time to get dressed, prepare the bag with whatever I need, drive to the gym, do the routine, take a shower, etc.

Of course it is great being at the gym, you also get social contact and probably, collective motivation. But again, at least in some seasons, going to the sport club or gym can be more time consuming and somehow complicated when preparing sport bags and planing meals, etc.

So if I am having time constrains, I try training at home either as first thing in the morning or when I come back from work. This means to me that I can save some time and get the same benefits.

Today I will list the basic equipment you may want to consider to start exercising at home like a pro. Keep in mind that you don’t need to invest huge amounts of money… it will only depend on what you need. You can even train at home and keep fit with smartphone apps and basic equipment as we mentioned in the previous post “fit at home” .

What do you need? Where to start?

Well, it depends on you and what you want to achieve but you can get some inspiration and ideas here.

In my case, whenever I find the motivation and the weather is good, I go jogging. This means that I naturally tend to have a cardio session as part of my main training. Besides, I like calisthenics and need equipment at least for chin-ups, dips, push-ups, abs and something for leg training like a jumping box (ply-box).

I can only suggest thinking first about the sports you like and your goals. Then, go to the sections below and check out what you would like to start with. The available space at home and your budget are also important before making any decision. The list here is only meant to give you ideas or examples of what I use. As a reference, I mention the price rage of the equipment consider and my favorite option is highlighted in blue.

Cardio training

If you want to have cardio training you can consider a treadmill, a rower, a fix bike or perhaps a stepper. I found these options at amazon and are not expensive. Measure the dimensions of the room you have to guarantee you can use the equipment in a comfortable, safe and adequate manner.


There are many options in size, max speed, health information and quality. For a home gym I would take a look at these. If you can afford it, buy brands which you find in commercial gyms but if not, get a non-expensive but quality options.

Listed from low to high ( 380 – 649 usd)


Riding a bike is one of my favorite hobbies. But when the weather is not so nice, I’d rather do it at home!

Like any other product, you can start with a budget bike or get a high-tech and expensive piece of equipment. It will depend on your needs, preferences and budget. Bikes’ price are can go from 250 usd to a couple of thousand usd. These options are listed from low to high.


A stepper or an elliptical trainer are good for an intense session. Here you can have some inspiration.


A rower is always a good option for cardio training or to warm up. Here you have some option from 199 usd and up to 410 usd.

Plyo and boxing

When i was little, I practiced Kung-fu and later on, kick-boxing not because I wanted to fight but because I liked the principles of such disciplines and besides, they are great for training. You have to train the whole body and you get a mix of strength, speed, coordination, balance, etc.

Plyo (plyometrics) is a training concept that focus on exercises which help develop elasticity, balance, quick responses and strength. The basic principle is jumping. You can find below, the basic equipment you need for.

Price range for boxing or plyo equipment starts at 75 usd.


Before checking out the suggestions below, take some minutes to double check the space you have, the sport you want to practice and your budget. In this section I will start with the devices I personally use which basically require the effort of your own weight. My first equipment was a power-tower for chin-ups, dips, push-ups and all kind of variations. When i moved to a bigger house i decided to go for a power-rack that additionally to the tower had lat pull-system with weights and i could use barbell bar for anything from squats to dead-lifts, bench press, etc.

The last section will show you some options for heavy-weight training.

Power tower

You can buy a good one from 179 usd.

Power cage

There are many options, sizes and prices. Here below I selected options from 300 usd on.

Workout machines

If you have enough space and budget, you can get professional equipment like the one you find in any gym. If you can afford it, go for the very best money buy and probable you should first take a look at web pages of local distributors. Here, I will show you some options that you can easily get at amazon. Please keep in mind that there might be specific machines for only-like-training for legs, chest, biceps and all the other parts of the body. This means that you will end buying as many machines as body parts that you want to train (examples for leg and upper body machines starting at 200 usd). Instead, I propose you rather take a look at the options below as multi-trainers to save some space and money with prices starting at 729 usd. The machines at the end of this section are already commercial type of equipment which you can find in your local gym.

The most important athlete is: you!!!

Regardless of what other people may say we are all unique. I hope you have fun and get fit with whatever it is that you decide to do.

Happy training!
