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Are you ready? Let's get started with the 5K training plan.

In the attached file, you will find the 12-week program. It has been created for 3 different levels that can be easily chosen from the white-blue panel titled “Level”. Level one was made especially for those who are just starting with sports. Level two is for persons who already exercise but want to start running and level 3 is for runners who are looking to improve their performance and speed.

The plan has been made with the following criteria:

  1. 3-4 running sessions per week.
  2. 2-4 light workouts for stretching, whole body conditioning or core muscles training.
  3. There is at least 1 rest day per week.
  4. One workout per day.
  5. Intensity varies in order to promote improvement in your fitness level.
  6. After one day with high intensity follows a rest-day or a low-intensity day.
  7. Warming up and cooling down are not included in the file but both are recommended for all training days despite of the intensity.

Please note: the plan must be demanding to make your body improve but you should never feel dizzy or as though you would faint. Please calculate and never exceed your individual HR max. It is highly recommended to manually monitor your heart rate or, if possible, to use a fitness band or sports watch to ease the control process. You also need to sleep well and if possible, have a balanced diet. The more you know, the better the decisions you will make. I strongly recommend reading other sports articles, medical reports and expert suggestions to confirm or adapt the plan to your specific needs. If needed, watch videos on your favorite platform to see how the exercises can be made.

The plan includes running workouts and strength/mobility workouts. Let's take a look at each group.

There are 4 different types of running workout which are directed to certain skills like endurance, speed and cardio. They are shown in the plan with abbreviations followed by the suggested training time, for example: LJ30 meaning Light jogging for 30 minutes. The intensity and/or training time will increase as you move along the program. The workout types are:

Light jogging (LJ). You should jog at an easy pace. The goal here is to run at a speed that feels comfortable for you and can be held for the complete duration of the workout. If you get tired before the time is up, you can walk instead.

Long run (LR). This is a training to promote endurance. The pace you choose can be lower than light jogging. It is important to finish the workout but, you can alternate between jogging and walking. As you improve, you will be able to finish the session jogging at a steady speed.

Interval loops (IL). One loop is a 5 minute-cycle consisting of: 2 minutes running and 3 minutes walking. The running pace should be challenging but constant for 2 minutes, adjust it as needed. Repeat the interval loop until the planned workout time is over. As you improve, change to 3 minutes running and 2 minutes walking.

Speed lines (SL). With speed lines, you target cardio and speed. The intensity of this training increases gradually from the start to the end. You need to choose a short flat road and mark a distance as a line “start-end” (30-50 m – but can be increased as you improve your fitness level-). The training consist of the following steps:

  • Warming up. Jog lightly from the start to the end, make a U-turn and jog back to the start line. 2-3 times.
  • Low speed. Jog at low speed from the start to the end forwards and come back to the start backwards. 2-3 times.
  • Mid speed. Once you finish the last round of low speed, you will immediately run as you did at low speed but with a higher speed. Note that the acceleration and braking moments will be the hardest. 2-3 times. Keep the way, start-end forwards and end-start backwards.
  • High speed. Right after the last round at mid speed, you will run at high speed in the same fashion as before. Start-end forwards and end-start backwards. 2-3 times.
  • Pause 2 minutes.
  • Run as fast as you can from start to end. Pause 1 minute. Run back as fast as you can. Pause 1 minute. Repeat until the targeted time for the workout is over.
  • Walk 5 minutes to cool down.

The program has been made to focus on your running skills but also to strengthen your whole body to make you a better runner. The “extra” workouts have the objective to support your performance by adding mobility and strength to your core, legs, glutes, chest, back and arms. Many sport experts say that runners only have strong legs… let’s prove them wrong!!!! 

I have planned the workouts as a set of exercises with a Tabata-focus. Every exercise will be performed for a certain time followed by a short pause and the next exercise targeting a different group of muscles must be made. The set is completed when all exercises have been made in sequence. As you make progress, the number of sets will go up. These extra workouts are:

  1. Whole body training. 1 set includes the following exercises and work/rest time:
  2. Core workout. 1 set includes the following exercises and work/rest time:
  3. Stretching and mobility. 1 set includes:

If needed, you can take a look at the following pages to know how to perform each exercise.

Polar mobility training, Self-essential stretches, runtastic-core workout.

I can also recommend the following apps:

Daily Ab Workout, Adidas Training.

Download training plan or watch here.



Should you have doubts or questions, please send a message via “contact”.

Have a lot of success and fun with your training!!

