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Hobby Athlete

About me...

Miguel Gómez

  I am an industrial engineer but a hobby athlete too.

I started exercising at 12. Back then i used to play american footbal in a local team. A little after I started with martial arts and also joined the light athletics school team.

Nowadays I practice Calisthenics, go jogging, play badminton and so on. 

During all this time, I have had different challenges, funny experiences and also some problems… like injuries due to silly mistakes and/ or because of the wrong training plan.  But, I have also learned many things and found a way to train that works for me.


  Frequently, I have had difficulties to get the right information, an adequate training plan or even to get the right pair of shoes.

This is why i decided to create this site. My goal is to share with you what i know, the mistakes i made and the plans i have been using.

I hope this info is useful. Share your thoughts with me. I would like to hear from you.

My objective

To share with all new and experienced hobby athletes some tips, tricks, training plans, information and many other interesting things that I have gathered or discovered along the way. I would like to share thoughts on motivation and success. 

This is intended for all amateur and new enthusiasts of sport in disciplines like calisthenics, light athletics, yoga, etc.

I hope that this info comes handy for all of you and helps prevent injuries, improve your performance and ease your training plan creation.

With your help we might even create a kind of “wiki” site for all my fellows hobby athletes.

The name of the site already describes what i am, a hoppy sport enthusiast. However, I would like to stress as well, what I am not:

  • Physician
  • Professional trainer
  • Professional athlete


This site is not intended to provide any medical advice nor professionally approved training plans.

Please talk to your doctor before you start practicing any sport and look for professional care /advise, especially if during training you feel dizzy, sick or get injured.

My favorite sports

As you might have noticed in the short introduction at the top of the page, I have practiced different sport disciplines. Here below you can take a look of my favorite sports as of today. Of course i am open to new sport types and i might be training soon for my first triathlon.

My current sports:

  • Light athletics (especially 5-20 Km running)
  • Plyometrics
  • HIIT
  • Calisthenics
  • Cycling (amateur)
  • Badminton (in a hall and with speed ball)


Communication is easier when we speak the same language and use the same terminology. As quick reference:

  • Calisthenics: Training system based on “body-weigh” exercises. It covers basic moves like push-ups, pull-ups and lunges but goes further to the “skills” like muscle up, pistol squad, front lever, etc. It has many exercises derived from gymnastics.
  • Plyometrics: Training system based on jumps or “plyo” that looks to develop the physical endurance and strength with short time exercises which promote the contraction and extension of the muscles. For instance jumping on a plyo-box, sprints y jump variations.
  • HIIT: High intensity interval training. Generally cardio training targeting anaerobic cycles of short duration and high intensity. HIIT helps improve the physical condition and burn calories. It normally has a group of exercises (i.e. 7 types 1 minute each) followed for a short recovery pause.